Status LEDs RevPi AIO

RevPi AIO has 3 status LEDs. The signals have the following meaning:


LED Signal Meaning
Power on, green A connection to RevPi Connect has been established.
flashes, red A connection to RevPi Connect has not yet been established (initialisation phase).
on, red The connection to RevPi Connect has been interrupted. Check to see if PiBridge has been plugged in properly.
Out off A connection to RevPi Connect has not yet been established (initialisation phase).
on, green Outputs are ready for use.
flashes, red Range error. The RevPi Connect values are too high or too low.
on, red Another fault. Check the output status in the process image.
In off A connection to RevPi Connect has not yet been established (initialisation phase).
on, green Inputs are ready for use.
flashes, red Range error. A too high a voltage or too high a power supply at one or more inputs. Check the input status in the process image.