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The Revolution Pi Blog

News & Insights

Interesting stories and insights from the world of Revolution Pi.

Exciting news for all Revolution Pi fans! We’ve just released the new RevPi Bookworm image, featuring a special surprise: RevPi Bookworm comes with…

A lot of companies struggle to build cost-efficient, reliable, and high-performance hardware for their products. Working with proven platforms boosts…

The number of your connected devices is growing, and you wonder how to manage all of them? We have you covered! Revolution Pi is now an official…

Since its introduction in 2012, the Raspberry Pi has undergone a remarkable development and has become one of the most popular single-board computers…

An essential part of our Revolution Pi development philosophy is to enable open source in industrial settings. This means not only providing an open…

When RevPis help build RevPis. How a RevPi Connect in combination with Node-RED and a screen helps to improve THT assembly in production.


Developing a product and supporting an open source project at the same time? In this interview, Lukas explains how and why he works on the Linux…

Their knowledge is often based on decades of experience: Machine and plant operators are hard to replace – they hear and feel their machines. So, what…

The showdown before each RevPi is shipped: the final test to see if a device will make it to the customer. With our specially manufactured End of Line…