How to Configure RevPi Gate for CANopen

To configure the gateway component, you have to perform the appropriate settings in the standard objects with the configuration software of your CANopen Master.

You can structure process data exchanged between the gateways application-specifically on the CANopen side using the process data object. For this purpose, CANopen uses mapping objects addressed via index and subindex

The gateway component supports the objects listed below. They comply with the specification DS302 (Version 4.02) of the CiA.

Extract from the specification DS302 (Version 4.02)

Index Object Name Sub-Index Description Data Type Access Comment
1000h Device Type 00h Device Type U32 RO 0000 0000h (No profile)
1001h Error register 00h Error register U8 RO
1003h Pre-defined error field 00h Number of errors U8 RW
01h… 08h Error field U32 RO
1005h COB-ID Sync 00h COB-ID Sync U32 RW Default value is 0000 0080h
1006h Communication cycle period 00h Defines the sync intervall U32 RW Default value is 0000 0000h
1008h Manufacturer device name 00h Manufacturer device name Visible string RO „KUNBUS-GW CANopen“
1009h Manufacturer hardware version 00h Manufacturer hardware version Visible string RO 1.0
100Ah Manufacturer software version 00h Manufacturer software version Visible string RO 1.0
100Ch Guard time 00h Guard time U16 RW
100Dh Life time factor 00h Life time factor U8 RW
1010h Store Parameters 00h Largest sub index supported U8 RO 01h
01h Save all parameters U32 RW Baud rate and Node ID cannot be stored using this command.
1011h Restore parameters 00h Largest sub index supported U8 RO 01h
01h Restore all default parameters U32 RW
1014h COB ID EMCY 00h COB ID EMCY U32 RO Default value is 80h + Node-ID
1015h Inhibit Time EMCY 00h Inhibit Time EMCY U16 RW Default value is 0000h
1016h Consumer Heartbeat Time 00h Number of entries U8 RO 01h
01h Consumer Heartbeat Time U32 RW Node ID + Heartbeat Time. Value must be a multiple of 1ms.

Default value is 0000h

1017h Producer Heartbeat Time 00h Producer Heartbeat Time U16 RW Default value is 0000h
1018h Identity object 00h Number of entries U8 RO 04h
01h Vendor ID U32 RO 000002D5h
02h Product Code U32 RO 71
03h Revision Number U32 RO 00010000h
04h Serial Number U32 RO


Receive PDO parameter 00h Largest sub-index supported U8 RO 02h
01h COB ID used by PDO U32 RW
02h Transmission type U8 RW


Receive PDO mapping 00h No. of mapped application objects in PDO U8 RW
01h Mapped object #1 U32 RW
02h Mapped object #2 U32 RW
03h Mapped object #3 U32 RW
04h Mapped object #4 U32 RW
05h Mapped object #5 U32 RW
06h Mapped object #6 U32 RW
07h Mapped object #7 U32 RW
08h Mapped object #8 U32 RW


Transmit PDO


00h Largest sub-index supported U8 RO 05h
01h COB ID used by PDO U32 RW
02h Transmission type U8 RW
03h Inhibit time U16 RW
05h Event Timer (ms) U16 RW


Transmit PDO mapping 00h No. of mapped application objects in PDO U8 RW
01h Mapped object #1 U32 RW
02h Mapped object #2 U32 RW
03h Mapped object #3 U32 RW
04h Mapped object #4 U32 RW
05h Mapped object #5 U32 RW
06h Mapped object #6 U32 RW
07h Mapped object #7 U32 RW
08h Mapped object #8 U32 RW

Fieldbus Output Data (Direction Master)

With these objects you can read process data that the gateway component sends to the Master. You have 3 possible access types:

  • Byte
  • Word
  • Doubleword


Index Object Name Sub-Index Description Data Type Access Remark
2000h Output Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO Access type: Byte
01h Output Buffer Byte #0 U8 RO
02h Output Buffer Byte #1
80h Output Buffer Byte #127
2001h Output Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO
01h Output Buffer Byte #128 U8 RO
02h Output Buffer Byte #129
80h Output Buffer Byte #255
2002h Output Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO
01h Output Buffer Byte #256 U8 RO
02h Output Buffer Byte #257
80h Output Buffer Byte #383
2003h Output Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO
01h Output Buffer Byte #384 U8 RO
02h Output Buffer Byte #385
80h Output Buffer Byte #511
2010h Output Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO Access type: Word
01h Output Buffer Word #0 U16 RO
02h Output Buffer Word #1
40h Output Buffer Word #63
2011h Output Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO
01h Output Buffer Word #64 U16 RO
02h Output Buffer Word #65
40h Output Buffer Word #127
2012h Output Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO Access type: Word
01h Output Buffer Word #128 U16 RO
02h Output Buffer Word #129
40h Output Buffer Word #191
2013h Output Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO
01h Output Buffer Word #192 U16 RO
02h Output Buffer Word #193
40h Output Buffer Word #255
2020h Output Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO Access type: Doubleword
01h Output Buffer DWord #0 U32 RO
02h Output Buffer DWord #1
20h Output Buffer DWord #31
2021h Output Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO
01h Output Buffer DWord #32 U32 RO
02h Output Buffer DWord #33
20h Output Buffer DWord #63
2022h Output Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO Access type: Doubleword
01h Output Buffer DWord #64 U32 RO
02h Output Buffer DWord #65
20h Output Buffer DWord #95
2023h Output Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO
01h Output Buffer DWord #96 U32 RO
02h Output Buffer DWord #97
20h Output Buffer DWord #127
2200h Properties of the partner gateway component 00h Number of entries U8 RO
01h Input size U16 RO
02h Output size U16 RO
03h Module type U16 RO 71
04h Fieldbus state U8 RO s. Table Fieldbus Status

Fieldbus status

Value Meaning
0x00 Fieldbus not connected. Check all connections
0x01 Fieldbus connected, no data communication. Check whether a node ID is set
0x02 Gateway component configured, no data communication
0x03 Cyclical data exchange

Fieldbus Input Data (from the Master)

With these objects you can read process data that the CANopen-Master sends to the gateway component. You have 3 possible access types:

  • Byte
  • Word
  • Doubleword


Index Object Name Sub-Index Description Data Type Access Comment
2100h Input Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO Access type: Byte
01h Input Buffer Byte #0 U8 RO
02h Input Buffer Byte #1
80h Input Buffer Byte #127
2101h Input Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO
01h Input Buffer Byte #128 U8 RO
02h Input Buffer Byte #129
80h Input Buffer Byte #255
2102h Input Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO Access type: Byte
01h Input Buffer Byte #256 U8 RO
02h Input Buffer Byte #257
80h Input Buffer Byte #383
2103h Input Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO
01h Input Buffer Byte #384 U8 RO
02h Input Buffer Byte #385
80h Input Buffer Byte #511
2110h Input Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO Access type: Word
01h Input Buffer Word #0 U16 RO
02h Input Buffer Word #1
40h Input Buffer Word #63
2111h Input Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO
01h Input Buffer Word #64 U16 RO
02h Input Buffer Word #65
40h Input Buffer Word #127
2112h Input Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO Access type: Word
01h Input Buffer Word #128 U16 RO
02h Input Buffer Word #129
40h Input Buffer Word #191
2113h Input Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO
01h Input Buffer Word #192 U16 RO
02h Input Buffer Word #193
40h Input Buffer Word #255
2120h Input Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO Access type: Doubleword
01h Input Buffer DWord #0 U32 RO
02h Input Buffer DWord #1
20h Input Buffer DWord #31
2121h Input Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO
01h Input Buffer DWord #32 U32 RO
02h Input Buffer DWord #33
20h Input Buffer DWord #63
2122h Input Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO Access type: Doubleword
01h Input Buffer DWord #64 U32 RO
02h Input Buffer DWord #65
20h Input Buffer DWord #95
2123h Input Buffer 00h Number of entries U8 RO
01h Input Buffer DWord #96 U32 RO
02h Input Buffer DWord #97
20h Input Buffer DWord #127