Installing Software

Before you can use CODESYS with RevPi devices for your own application, the following installation steps are required.

Installing CODESYS Development System

The CODESYS Software is available in 32- and 64-bit versions. Which version is relevant for you depends on whether the RevPi OS is installed on your RevPi device as a 32-bit or 64-bit version. You can retrieve the bit version from the terminal of the RevPi device using the command getconf LONG_BIT.
  • Download the CODESYS Development System from the CODESYS Store to your PC.
  • Install the CODESYS Development System on your PC.

Installing the CODESYS Runtime Package on the CODESYS Development System

  • Download the CODESYS Control for Linux ARM software package from the CODESYS Store to your PC.
  • Double-click to open the file.
    The Select Installation dialog box opens.
  • Select the desired CODESYS version.
  • Click on Continue.
  • Accept the license agreement(s) in the Install packages window.
  • Click on Continue.

The software package is installed and the successful installation is displayed.

Installing the Revolution Pi Library for CODESYS on the CODESYS Development System

  • Download the Revolution Pi Library for CODESYS software package from the Revolution Pi download area to your PC.
  • Double-click to open the file.
    The Select Installation dialog box opens.
  • Select the desired CODESYS version.
  • Click on Continue.
  • Accept the license agreements in the Install packages window and select to continue despite the missing signatures.
  • Click on Continue.

The software package is installed and the successful installation is displayed.

Installing the CODESYS Runtime System on the RevPi Device

  • Open the CODESYS Development System.
  • Click on Tools.
  • Click on Update Linux ARM64.
  • Enter the login credentials and the IP address of your RevPi device in the Linux ARM64 window.
  • Select the desired CODESYS Runtime Package.
  • Click on Install.

The CODESYS Runtime Package is installed on the RevPi device.