How to Configure RevPi Gate for PROFINET

Setting Station Name

Since names are easier to handle than complex IP addresses in most cases, you can assign a station name to the gateway component.

You set the station name using the software of your PROFINET controller.

According to the definition RFC 5890, attention must be paid to the name assignment rules in this regard:

  • Data should be specified in the Octet string type
  • Restriction to a total of 240 characters (letters “a” to “z”, numbers “0” to “9”, hyphen or dot)
  • A name element of the device name must be separated with a dot and can have a maximum of 63 characters.
  • No special characters such as umlauts, brackets, underscore, blank etc.
  • The hyphen is the only special character allowed.
  • The device name must not begin or end with a dot.
  • The device name must not begin with numbers.
  • The device name must not have the form n.n.n.n ( n = 0…999 ).
  • The device name must not begin with the character string “port-xyz-” ( x,y,z = 0…9 ).
  • The device name may only begin with “xn-” if the original character string contains values other than “0” to “9” and “a” to “z”.
  • The field “NameOfStationValue” must not end with 0.

Examples of valid names:

“device -1.machine- 1.plant- 1.vendor” “mühle1.ölmü” is coded as ” xn–mhle1-kva.xn–lmhle1”

Exchanging Data cyclically

To configure the gateway component, you have to perform the appropriate settings with the configuration software of your PROFINET -Controller.

The gateway component is equipped with virtual slots (installation positions). PROFINET controllers use these slots to address selected process data. Each slot contains one module. You can assign process data to these modules that are to be exchanged.


Slot Module Id Offset
0 DAP 0x80050000
1 Input 16 0x00000005 Output Off 0
2 Input 16 0x00000005 Output Off 16
3 Input 32 0x00000006 Output Off 32
4 Input 32 0x00000006 Output Off 64
5 Input 32 0x00000006 Output Off 96
6 Input 64 0x00000007 Output Off 128
7 Input 64 0x00000007 Output Off 192
8 Input 64 0x00000007 Output Off 256
9 Output 16 0x00000050 Input Off 0
10 Output 16 0x00000050 Input Off 16
11 Output 32 0x00000060 Input Off 32
12 Output 32 0x00000060 Input Off 64
13 Output 32 0x00000060 Input Off 96
14 Output 64 0x00000070 Input Off 128
15 Output 64 0x00000070 Input Off 192
16 Output 64 0x00000070 Input Off 256

Info!The gateway component supports only a submodule with data per module.

In the following tables you will find a detailed overview of all modules.
DAP (Device Acess Point)

Description DAP
Module ID 0x80050000
Usable in Slot 0
Total Number of Input Bytes 0
Total Number of Output Bytes 0
Number of Submodules 3

Submodule for Record Access

Submodule ID 0x00000001
Subslot 0x0001
Number of Input Bytes 0
Number of Output Bytes 0

Submodule that represents the entire Profinet Device

Submodule ID 0x0000000a
Subslot 0x8000
Number of Input Bytes 0
Number of Output Bytes 0

Submodule that represents Port 1

Submodule ID 0x0000000b
Subslot 0x8001
Number of Input Bytes 0
Number of Output Bytes 0

Submodule that represents Port 2

Submodule ID 0x0000000c
Subslot 0x8002
Number of Input Bytes 0
Number of Output Bytes 0

Input 16 Byte

Description Input 16 Byte
Module ID 0x00000005
Usable in Slot 1 – 8
Total Number of Input Bytes 16
Total Number of Output Bytes 0
Number of Submodules 1


Submodule ID 0x00000001
Subslot: 0x0001
Number of Input Bytes 16
Number of Output Bytes 0

Input 32 Byte 

Description Input 32 Byte
Module ID 0x00000006
Usable in Slot 1 – 8
Total Number of Input Bytes 32
Total Number of Output Bytes 0
Number of Submodules 1


Submodule ID 0x00000001
Subslot 0x0001
Number of Input Bytes 32
Number of Output Bytes 0

Input 64 Byte

Description Input 64 Byte
Module ID 0x00000007
Usable in Slot 1 – 8
Total Number of Input Bytes 64
Total Number of Output Bytes: 0
Number of Submodules 1


Submodule ID 0x00000001
Subslot 0x0001
Number of Input Bytes 64
Number of Output Bytes 0

Output 16 Byte

Description Output 16 Byte
Module ID 0x00000050
Usable in Slot 1 – 8
Total Number of Input Bytes 0
Total Number of Output Bytes 16
Number of Submodules 1


Submodule ID 0x00000001
Subslot 0x0001
Number of Input Bytes 0
Number of Output Bytes 16

Output 32 Byte

Description Output 32 Byte
Module ID 0x00000060
Usable in Slot 1 – 8
Total Number of Input Bytes 0
Total Number of Output Bytes 32
Number of Submodules 1


Submodule ID 0x00000001
Subslot 0x0001
Number of Input Bytes 0
Number of Output Bytes 32

Output 64 Byte

Description Output 64 Byte
Module ID 0x00000070
Usable in Slot 1 – 8
Total Number of Input Bytes 0
Total Number of Output Bytes 64
Number of Submodules 1


Submodule ID 0x00000001
Subslot: 0x0001
Number of Input Bytes 0
Number of Output Bytes 64

Exchanging Data acyclically

The gateway component supports records. This access type is useful for all events that do not have to be repeated regularly (e.g. sending parameter data in the start-up phase).

Another benefit of records is due to the fact that you can write continuously ascending areas at once.

Example:. Index 0x1005 writes byte 10 to byte 19 with 10 bytes of data in the output process mapping.

You can use all 512 bytes of the input and output area to read or write records.


Bear in mind that the first 320 bytes of the input and output area are used for cyclical data transmission.

Records that you address with index 0x0000 – 0x00ff or 0x1000 – 0x10ff, can be overwritten by the cyclical data Transmission.


All records are addressed via API 0, Slot 0, Subslot 1. The data is transferred in Little Endian format. In the case of Big-Endian format, the higher-value bytes are first transmitted and stored at the memory locations with the lowest addresses.

2 bytes are always addressed per index:

Offset 0 + Offset 1 → Record 0

Offset 510 + Offset 511 → Record 255 (0x00ff)

Index 0x0000 – 0x00ff contains the input data sent from the partner gateway component.

Index 0x1000 – 0x10ff contains the output data sent to the partner gateway component.

State of the Partner Gateway

You can read information on the state of the partner gateway component via API 0, Slot 0, Subslot 1, Index 0x2000:


Offset Length Element Comment
0 4 Serial number
4 2 Module type KUNBUS internal module type
6 2 Hardware Revision
8 2 Major Software Version
10 2 Minor Software Version
12 4 Subversion Revision Source Code Version
16 2 Feldbus Input Length
18 2 Feldbus Output Length
20 1 Bus State
20 2 Feature descriptor Supported features of the gateway