How to Configure RevPi Gate for EtherCAT.

To configure the gateway component, you have to perform the appropriate settings with the configuration software of your EtherCAT Master.

You can use the objects listed below to configure the gateway component.


Index Object Name Sub-index Description Data Type Access Remark
1000 h Device Type 00 h Device Types U32 RO 0000 0000h (No profile)
1001 h Error Register 00 h Error Register U8 RO
1008 h Manufacturer device name 00 h Device name Visible string RO “KUNBUS Gateway EtherCAT”
1009 h Manufacturer hardware version 00 h Hardware Version Visible string RO “R01”
100Ah Manufacturer software version 00 h Software version Visible string RO “majorRevNo”.



1010 h Store Parameters 00 h Number of entries U8 RO
01 h Store all parameters U32 RW Write the value “0x65766173” in this index to save all parameters
1011 h Restore parameters 00 h Number of entries U8 RO
01 h Restore default parameters U32 RW Write the value “0x64616f6c” in this index to restore all parameters.
1018 h Identity object 00 h Number of entries U8 RO 04 h
01 h Manufacturer Number U32 RO
02 h Product code U32 RO
03 h Revision number U32 RO
04 h Serial number U32 RO
1600 h

1603 h

Receive PDO mapping 00 h Number of assigned objects U8 RW A mapping can consist of up to 128 assigned objects. It must not be greater than 128 bytes.
01 h Assigned object #1 U32 RW
02 h Assigned object #2 U32 RW
03 h Assigned object #3 U32 RW
04 h Assigned object #4 U32 RW
05 h Assigned object #5 U32 RW
06 h Assigned object #6 U32 RW
U32 RW
80 h Assigned object #128 U32 RW


Transmit PDO mapping 00 h Number of assigned objects U8 RW A mapping can consist of up to 128 assigned objects. It must not be greater than 128 bytes.
01 h Assigned object #1 U32 RW
02 h Assigned object #2 U32 RW
03 h Assigned object #3 U32 RW
04 h Assigned object #4 U32 RW
05 h Assigned object #5 U32 RW
06 h Assigned object #6 U32 RW
U32 RW
80 h Assigned object #128 U32 RW
1C00h SyncManager Types 00 h Number of entries U8 RO Value: 4
01 h Mailbox Out U8 RW Value: 0x01
02 h Mailbox In U8 RW Value: 0x02
03 h Outputs U8 RW Value: 0x03
04 h Inputs U8 RW Value: 0x04
1C12h SyncManager 3 (Rx PDOs) 00 h Number of entries U8 RW Rx PDO transmission
01 h U16 RW
02 h U16 RW
03 h U16 RW
04 h U16 RW
1C13h SyncManager 4 (Tx PDOs) 00 h Number of entries U8 RW Tx PDO transmission
01 h U16 RW
02 h U16 RW
03 h U16 RW
04 h U16 RW

EtherCAT In/Outputs

The output data (512 bytes) can be accessed byte-wise, word-wise and double word-wise.

The same data area is accessed here.

Example: 2000h:01h to 2000h:04h maps the same data as 2010h:01h until 2010h:02h and the same data as 2020h:01h

Notice! RevPi Gate only transfers fieldbus data to the RevPi Device if it is in “Operational” EtherCAT status. Otherwise, “zeros” are transmitted to the partner gateway component.

Fieldbus Output Data (Master Direction)


Index Object Name Sub-index Description Data type Access Access type
2000 h Output Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RO Byte
01 h Output Buffer
Byte #0
02 h Output Buffer
Byte #1
80 h Output Buffer
Byte #127
2001 h Output Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RO
01 h Output Buffer
Byte #128
02 h Output Buffer
Byte #129
80 h Output Buffer
Byte #255
2002 h Output Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RO
01 h Output Buffer
Byte #256
02 h Output Buffer
Byte #257
80 h Output Buffer
Byte #383
2003 h Output Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RO
01 h Output Buffer
Byte #384
02 h Output Buffer
Byte #385
80 h Output Buffer
Byte #511
2010 h Output Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RO Word
01 h Output Buffer
Word #0
U16 RO
02 h Output Buffer
Word #1
40 h Output Buffer
Word #63
2011 h Output Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RO
01 h Output Buffer
Word #64
U16 RO
02 h Output Buffer
Word #65
40 h Output Buffer
Word #127
2012 h Output Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RO
01 h Output Buffer
Word #128
U16 RO
02 h Output Buffer
Word #129
40 h Output Buffer
Word #191
2013 h Output Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RO
01 h Output Buffer
Word #192
U16 RO
02 h Output Buffer
Word #193
40 h Output Buffer
Word #255
2020 h Output Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RO Double word
01 h Output Buffer
Double Word #0
U32 RO
02 h Output Buffer
Double Word #1
20 h Output Buffer
Double Word #31
2021 h Output Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RO
01 h Output Buffer
Double Word #32
U32 RO
02 h Output Buffer
Double Word #33
20 h Output Buffer
Double Word #63
2022 h Output Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RO
01 h Output Buffer
Double Word #64
U32 RO
02 h Output Buffer
Double Word #65
20 h Output Buffer
Double Word #95
2023 h Output Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RO
01 h Output Buffer
Double Word #96
U32 RO
02 h Output Buffer
Double Word #97
20 h Output Buffer
Double Word #127


Fieldbus input data (from the master)


Index Object Name Sub-index Description Data type Access Access type
2100 h Input Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RW Byte
01 h Input Buffer
Byte #0
02 h Input Buffer
Byte #1
80 h Input Buffer
Byte #127
2101 h Input Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RW
01 h Input Buffer
Byte #128
02 h Input Buffer
Byte #129
80 h Input Buffer
Byte #255
2102 h Input Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RW
01 h Input Buffer
Byte #256
02 h Input Buffer
Byte #257
80 h Input Buffer
Byte #383
2103 h Input Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RW
01 h Input Buffer
Byte #384
02 h Input Buffer
Byte #385
80 h Input Buffer
Byte #511
2110 h Input Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RW Word
01 h Input Buffer
Word #0
U16 RW
02 h Input Buffer
Word #1
40 h Input Buffer
Word #63
2111 h Input Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RW
01 h Input Buffer
Word #64
U16 RW
02 h Input Buffer
Word #65
40 h Input Buffer
Word #127
2112 h Input Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RW
01 h Input Buffer
Word #128
U16 RW
02 h Input Buffer
Word #129
40 h Input Buffer
Word #191
2113 h Input Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RW
01 h Input Buffer
Word #192
U16 RW
02 h Input Buffer
Word #193
40 h Input Buffer
Word #255
2120 h Input Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RW Double word
01 h Input Buffer
Double Word #0
U32 RW
02 h Input Buffer
Double Word #1
20 h Input Buffer
Double Word #31
2121 h Input Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RW
01 h Input Buffer
Double Word #32
U32 RW
02 h Input Buffer
Double Word #33
20 h Input Buffer
Double Word #63
2122 h Input Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RW
01 h Input Buffer
Double Word #64
U32 RW
02 h Input Buffer
Double Word #65
20 h Input Buffer
Double Word #95
2123 h Input Buffer 00 h Number of entries U8 RW
01 h Input Buffer
Double Word #96
U32 RW
02 h Input Buffer
Double Word #97
20 h Input Buffer
Double Word #127

Check status

You can poll the status of the other gateway component by SDO entry in the OBD.

Index Object Name Sub-index Description Data type Access Remark
0x2200 Status of the partner gateway component 00 h Number of entries U8 RO
01 h Length of the input data RO max. 512 bytes
02 h Length of the output data U16 RO max. 512 bytes
03 h Module Type U16 RO 74
(EtherCAT Gateway Component)
04 h Fieldbus Status U8 RO 0x00 Fieldbus not connected. Check all connections
0x01 Fieldbus connected, no data communication.
0x02 Gateway component configured, no data communication
0x03 Cyclical data exchange