Connecting to the RevPi via Network


You can only access the RevPi Flat without a separate keyboard, mouse and screen, i.e. only in headless mode. This works via an encrypted SSH connection while your PC and your RevPi Flat are in the same network. In the headless mode described here, only the command line input is available to you as a user interface.

You think reading is boring? Dirk also explains in the video how to “headlessly” use the RevPi Flat! Here’s the video.

Required hardware

  • PC
  • Your RevPi
  • Power supply unit for the RevPi
  • Ethernet cable

Required software

Download these programs and install them on your PC:

  • Windows: Advanced IP Scanner (For Linux you can use arp-scan, for example)
  • PuTTY or a comparable program

Connecting the RevPi to the Network

  • Connect your router and your RevPi using the Ethernet cable.
  • Connect your RevPi to the power supply.

Determine the IP address of the RevPi in the Network

  • Start Advanced IP Scanner.
  • Click on the IP button.
  • Advanced IP Scanner automatically detects the IP address range in which your computer is located.
  • Click on “Scan”.

Advanced IP Scanner now scans the subnet in which your PC is located. This process may take a few minutes. The results are displayed in the results list:

  • Make a note of the IP address

Note: Advanced IP Scanner also shows you the MAC address of the devices. If you have more than one RevPi device in your network, you can identify the device you are looking for by comparing the MAC address on the front of the RevPi with the results of the Advanced IP Scanner.

If you can’t find the IP address this way, you can alternatively find the IP address in the DHCP server of your router. You have to log in to the web interface of your router. Under “Connected Devices” (or similar depending on the router) you will find your RevPi.

Establish an SSH connection between your PC and The RevPi

  • Start PuTTY.
  • Write the IP address of your RevPi Flat into the “Host Name (or IP address)” input field.
  • In the “Connection type” selection field, click on SSH.
  • The “Port” input field now shows the value “22”.
  • Click on “Window > Translation” in the “Category” tree.
  • Select the character set UTF-8 in the “Remote character set” selection field. The selection prevents special characters and umlauts from being displayed incorrectly.
  • Click on “Session” in the “Category” tree.
  • Write any name for the connection in the “Saved Sessions” input field.
  • Click on Save.

The settings for the connection are now saved. You can call up the connection at any time in the “Saved Sessions” selection field with “Load”. This way you don’t have to re-enter the settings every time.

  • Click on the “Open” button.

The connection to the RevPi is established.

  • Enter your username and password. Both are written on the sticker on the side of your RevPi Flat.

You can now use your RevPi.