Root login no longer works after installing Jessie

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Root login no longer works after installing Jessie

Post by bftrock »

I wanted to reinstall the OS to have a clean system. I followed the documentation for installing Jessie, and everything went as expected (after I upgraded from Win7 to Win10). I am able to log in to the web interface and pictory with the credentials provided on the sticker on the RevPi Core 3. However, I cannot log in with SSH. I have not found anything on the forum regarding this issue. Any help is appreciated.

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Re: Root login no longer works after installing Jessie

Post by Mathias »

on a new image the password of the user 'pi' is 'raspberry' for the first login. Then the script 'revpi-factory-reset' is executed automatically. It asks for the serial number and mac address of the housing and sets the password to the one of the sticker. Then you habe to reboot the RevPi.
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