Install Azure IoT Edge

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Joined: 24 Nov 2023, 17:41

Install Azure IoT Edge

Post by SteffenB »

Hello RevPi Community,

I just got an RevPi Connect 4 and wanted to install Azure IoT Edge on it. The instructions in the documentations ( ... erwenden-2) seems to be outdated because it references to install the microsoft packages for Debian stretch and the current OS for the RevPi is Debian Bullseye.

Because Debian stretch is not supportet by Microsoft Azure for IoT Edge, I tried the official documentation from Microsoft ( ... l%2Cubuntu). I ran into some problems:
I tried it with the 64 Bit version of Debian Bullyeye but ran into multiple errors. As it is not officially supported by IoT Edge so I installed the 32 Bit Image.
With the 32 Bit version I still have issues getting the Moby-Engine to run.
If i run sudo iotedge check I get the follwing error:

Code: Select all

× container engine is installed and functional - Error
    Could not communicate with container engine at unix:///var/run/docker.sock.
    Please check your moby-engine installation and ensure the service is running.
I was able to solve this problem by install the moby-cli:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install moby-cli
After that the sudo iotedge check command run fine, but still I had issues getting the IoT EdgeHub running, because the 443 Port was already in use by the RevPI Apache Service, so I needed to run

Code: Select all

sudo service apache2 stop
For now the it is running fine, but I don't know if everything is set up completely. Maybe someone with more insight in the RevPi OS / Dependencies could have a look and you could update the official documentation for the RevPi to reflect the recent changes?
Posts: 184
Joined: 14 Apr 2022, 13:04

Re: Install Azure IoT Edge

Post by u.biakoup »

Hello StefanB,
Thank you for your post. I want to express my gratitude for your post.

The instructions in the documentation ... erwenden-2 are outdated and will be revised.

Best Regards,

Ulrich Kouatang Biakoup | Technical Support
Posts: 184
Joined: 14 Apr 2022, 13:04

Re: Install Azure IoT Edge

Post by u.biakoup »

Hello StefanB,

I recommand you to have a look at this Tutorial, which I have tested and which works for me. I followed the instructions of that tutorial, and I was able to install Azure IoT.

Best Regards,

Ulrich Kouatang Biakoup | Technical Support
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