Touch in Chromium browser sometimes not working

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Touch in Chromium browser sometimes not working

Post by Wiekon »


i created a CODESYS WebVisu and want to display it directly on the Revolution Pi Connect S witch a connected Beetronics Touchscreen.
I get the best results regarding appeareance an performance with the preinstalled Chromium browser.

Nevertheless, sometimes i'm facing the problem, that the chromium browser doesn't react on touch events of the touchscreen. The problem is only inside the browser. I can control the rest of Raspbian without problems.
I tried several other browsers too:

- firefox-esr: poor performance
- Midori browser: problems with touch too
- Epiphany: Problems with touch

Chromium works the best, but sometimes only a reboot or reconnection of the usb cable can help. Both is not, what I want.

Any tipps or solutions for me?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Touch in Chromium browser sometimes not working

Post by dirk »

Dear Wiekon, okay, I understand. That sounds like a showstopper on the home stretch, unattractive. Please try this approach: ... at%20works.
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Re: Touch in Chromium browser sometimes not working

Post by Wiekon »

Hi Dirk,

thank you for your reply.
I already found this solution, but it doesn't work for the chromium browser of the revolution pi. The setting is only available in the "real" chrome browser.
Am I the only one, using CODESYS Webvisu in Chromium on the revolution pi, having this problem?
And why are other browsers like firefox-esr that slow with the CODESYS WebVisu in raspbian?

Any other ideas? The machine is already delivered to the customer, who is facing the problems...
I have a second setup of all the components to do some tests.

Thank's for your help!
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Re: Touch in Chromium browser sometimes not working

Post by dirk »

Hi Wiekon, Try recalibrating your screen. Have a look at this video, hopefully it will help:
I also found this interesting discussion in the Raspberry Pi forum
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Re: Touch in Chromium browser sometimes not working

Post by dirk »

Hi, I have created a test setup with the example TrafficLight Web Visualization.
I am trying to get a touch screen. Right now I just accessed via VNC, can you give it a try and see if this example works? ... alisierung
vncviewer_sj5M0HimAK.png (187.31 KiB) Viewed 37409 times
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Re: Touch in Chromium browser sometimes not working

Post by dirk »

Dear Wiekon, here is a set-up with an example video that shows that the touch inputs work excellently.#
  • using a faytech monitor
  • and just install the "chromium" browser - no modifications needed

Code: Select all

sudo apt install chromium-browser

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Re: Touch in Chromium browser sometimes not working

Post by Wiekon »

Hi Dirk,

with the new RevPi and Touchscreen it seems to work flawlessly. But: ONLY with the Chromium Browser, not with the pre-installed epiphany. The epiphany dosen't react on any touch events on buttons or text boxes. After installing chromium it works without problems. Unfortunately this behaviour differs from our customer machine... :cry:

I think, we can set this topic to closed for now...

Thanks for your help!
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Re: Touch in Chromium browser sometimes not working

Post by dirk »

Hi Wiekon thanks for the positive feedback that's wonderful
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