Cannot Access Pictory, Apache HTTP Server fails to start

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Cannot Access Pictory, Apache HTTP Server fails to start

Post by garyraise »

Hi, I just got a brand new RevPi Connect 4 and I'm having trouble connecting to Pictory. I see runnning systemctl status apache2.service that the HTTP Server failed to start with the error that the SSL certificate /etc/ssl/certs/revpi-self-signed.pem is empty. How can I resolve this error?
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Re: Cannot Access Pictory, Apache HTTP Server fails to start

Post by RevPiModIO »


Sorry for the inconvenience! We are currently working on a bug fix.

But you can already apply a workaround to fix the problem:
  1. Delete the certificate file `sudo rm /etc/ssl/certs/revpi-self-signed.pem`
  2. Delete the key file `sudo rm /etc/ssl/private/revpi-self-signed.key`
  3. Restart the Revolution Pi `sudo reboot`. The files should then have been newly created and Apache started.

If you want to do this without restarting, run the following commands after deleting the files:
  1. `sudo revpi-cert-wizard`
  2. `sudo systemctl start apache2`

python3-RevPiModIO - || Der RevPi ist das Beste, was passieren konnte!
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