TargetVisu auf Revpi Connect feat. CODESYS

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TargetVisu auf Revpi Connect feat. CODESYS

Post by wolf10hs-mittweida »

Hallo zusammen,

Ich würde gern wissen, wie ich den RevPi Connect feat. Codesys als vollwertige Maschinensteuerung einsetzen kann, welcher ebenso die Visualisierung übernimmt. Die Darstellung soll über den mini-HDMI Anschluss an ein Touchdisplay übertragen werden. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, nach Hochfahren des Raspberries automatisch die Visualisierung von Codesys zu laden? Nach Anmeldung im Standarduser pi kann ich natürlich mit Browser über die eigene IP:8080/webvisu.htm die Visualisierung laden. Aber gibt es hier auch eine andere Möglichkeit über eine TargetVisu oder Ähnliches? Ansonsten müsste ich über Autostart den Browser im Kiosk-Modus mit genannter Startseite starten.

Ich hoffe, ich konnte mich verständlich ausdrücken.
Danke im Voraus

Viele Grüße
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Re: TargetVisu auf Revpi Connect feat. CODESYS

Post by u.biakoup »

Hello Axel,
CodeSYS runtime for raspberry MC supports webvisu on RevPi devices. The default browser on RevPi device could be used with webvisu with HDMI connection however you will have to look out if some funcationalities are not curtailed in that browser. Codesys Target visu works well with remote browser, but may have limitations with inbuilt browser. I suggest you also to install Chrome browser on revpi if you have issues with inbult browser.

You can perhaps check on codesys webvisu forum for possible solution or post a query on the CODESYS forum.

Best Regards

Ulrich Kouatang Biakoup | Technical Support
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Re: TargetVisu auf Revpi Connect feat. CODESYS

Post by wolf10hs-mittweida »

Good Morning Ulrich,

thanks for your response. I am not that known to CoDeSys, that I would call myself an expert. Actually I began programming with CoDeSys in the last year. Can you tell me more about the "Target Visu with remote browser"-thing you mentioned? I thought, if I have added the WebVisu to my project, I can use the IP to interact with my User Interface, regardless of whether it is the Raspberry with it's own browser nor a MS Windows PC in the same network with any browser - both works currently fine at my project by the way. Besides of that, in VisualizationManager there is an option to add a "Remote TargetVisu". However, I experienced the "TargetVisu" as a fullscreen User Interface, running natively on the OS (like a program with a .exe file), starting itself, while the control is running. I don't know if it is a Licensed feature, but I tried this with the control for Windows, and it worked quite good. For the Linux Core I don't have that option, to add a "TargetVisu", here it is only the "Remote TargetVisu".
Adding_Visu_on_Windows_Control.jpg (33.76 KiB) Viewed 11328 times
Adding_Visu_on_Raspberry_Control.jpg (34.25 KiB) Viewed 11328 times
But Maybe it is a fully CoDeSys related issue. Thought you have some experiences, you can share ;)

Thanks in advance
Last edited by wolf10hs-mittweida on 29 Nov 2022, 08:23, edited 1 time in total.
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