RevPi with logiCAD3, a GUI and TCP/IP Communication

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RevPi with logiCAD3, a GUI and TCP/IP Communication

Post by Frido »

Dear all,

three different questions in one thread concerning the RevPi Core 3, which runs a logiCAD-controll program:

  1. Is it possible to connect a monitor to the RevPi (e.g. via the micro HDMI plug) and create a graphical user interface with logiCAD3 on it?
    Background infos:
    My constraint is to use logiCAD3 (or any other structured text tool) AND I want to provide a GUI. As for now, I use a RasbPi for the GUI, which receives and sends variables from and to the RevPi via a Ethernet-connection and revpimodio2. But only the RevPi is IEC 61131-2 conform, the RasbPi is not. My application is to run outdoors (-20°C to +40°C).
    So I think a far more elegant way would be to only use the RevPi to complete both the control tasks and the GUI simultaneously.
  2. How can I realise a TCP/IP communication with a Beckhoff PLC and my RevPi in logiCAD? I have little to no experience in serial communication with protocols such as ethernet. Maybe this questions belong more to logicals, but Kunbus is also a communication specialist, so maybe someone can help.
    Background infos:
    My application is to amend a existing machine which is controlled by a Beckhoff PLC. Only when the Beckhoff PLC sends a signal to the RevPi, certain actions should be executed. It is not an option to use only one PLC to control both machines.
  3. Is it valid to say that programming in ST with logiCAD has security advantages over programming in python? I know this sounds a bit stupid as the program can only be as "secure" or "safe" as the manually programmed logic is able to handle errors and eventualities. But I wonder why so many industrial PCs and PLCs stick to ST or ladder logic etc. and do not use python, C++ or similar.
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Re: RevPi with logiCAD3, a GUI and TCP/IP Communication

Post by dirk »

I have moved the topic here to the Logi.CAD board in order that the specialists here will guide and support you with your ideas.
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Re: RevPi with logiCAD3, a GUI and TCP/IP Communication

Post by Walter »

Dear Frido,

thank you for your request!
to 1)
The RevPi offers a micro HDMI port for the connection of a monitor. For viewing and modifying PLC program values the best option would be using a visualization. Therefore please see: ... -erstellen

to 2)
TCP communication can be realized via MQTT, please see: ... rchfuehren

to 3)
Thank you for this question. In my humble opionion you can't say, that using program languages like ST, FBD, ladder diagram,... is more secure than using C++, python or similar, but by using this PLC program languages you can be sure, that some user errors or errors during the runtime of the system (e.g. divisions by zero) are handled by the runtime system and will not end in a system lock-up. Using PLC programm languages will also make your programs more exchangeable to other systems. It also allows to run different program parts with different cycle time, and so on.

kind regards
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Re: RevPi with logiCAD3, a GUI and TCP/IP Communication

Post by Frido »

Dear Walter,
thanks a lot for your reply! It was very helpfull.

concerning 1):
I looked into Procon Web and find it very interesting. When I implement a visualisation on the RevPi Core3 (=Server), I will need an client to display it. How do I tell Procon Web that it should use the micro HDMI port of my RevPi Core3 to display the HMI?

concerning 2):
With MQTT, I will not need a seperate gateway modul and can use the RJ45 plug of the RevPi Core3, right? Is this also true for say EtherCAT or CAN? I don´t quite get the concept of Kunbus Gateways. As I use logiCAD3, I have function blocks for EtherCAT, CAN, etc. (see here). So I won`t even need those function blocks if I have a Gateway?

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Re: RevPi with logiCAD3, a GUI and TCP/IP Communication

Post by Frido »

Maybe someone stumbles over this thread, so I answer Q1 here myself, as far as I have found out lately and understand it myself:

ProconWeb uses a HTML based Web-interface to display the HMI (human machine interface). So a good way is to use an industrial "smart" monitor with a web browser (or a smart-phone, a tablet etc.), which is only connected to the RevPi via a RJ45 Ethernet plug. The web browser constantly browses the IP of the RevPi (if locally connected); this way he gets to see the HMI. The RevPi is the "server" for the monitor, which itself is the "client". As a GTI employee told me, it is in theory also possible to use a micro-HDMI Display to visualize the HMI directly on the RevPi, using a web browser on the RevPi itself. He further said that this is not such a very good idea, because the visualization will need roughly half of the RevPis resources.

As for Q2, I still don`t know. But I will use Modbus TCP instead and follow this tutorial.
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Re: RevPi with logiCAD3, a GUI and TCP/IP Communication

Post by dirk »

Hi Frido,
I have initially moved your post here to the Logi.CAD board as there are the experts to help you. Now I see that you have questions to PROCON-WEB IoT that have also a place on another board. So please help us here and move your topics and questions to those boards so that you and we may support you the best way we can. Thank you.
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Re: RevPi with logiCAD3, a GUI and TCP/IP Communication

Post by Frido »

Thanks a lot Dirk for keeping track and moving my questions to the right board! I`ll look out in the future and try to post in the right board right from the beginning :)
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