Reestablish network connection after the ETH cable replugged in
- Posts: 38
- Joined: 18 Feb 2019, 04:13
Reestablish network connection after the ETH cable replugged in
After I plug out the ethernet cable from RevPi Core3 and plug it in again. The ethernet connection won't be reestablished. My laptop can't ping RevPi Core 3 again until I power on RevPi Core 3 again.
Is that normal? How can I do some settings in order to make RevPi Core3 restart ethernet connection automatically?
Thank you so much!
Re: Reestablish network connection after the ETH cable replugged in
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sudo apt update
sudo apt install revpi-tools
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pi@RevPi40302:~ $ revpi-sos
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- Posts: 38
- Joined: 18 Feb 2019, 04:13
Re: Reestablish network connection after the ETH cable replugged in
I have sent you the SOS report by email.
Today I try "sudo ip link set eth0 down && sudo ip link set eth0 up" and find that the connection-reestablish problem can be solved. The network connection will be rebuilt whenever the ethernet cable is plugged out and in again after that command is executed.
Re: Reestablish network connection after the ETH cable replugged in
We noticed the following things in the Kern.log shortly before the eth0 connection is restarted:
There are messages from the USB power management: "eth0: hardware isn't capable of remote wakeup".
One or more Logitech USB HID devices report "HID++ 2.0 device connected".
These are only rough hits but can be a good start for troubleshooting.
The command you describe and the solution is not quite clear to us.
Is it enough to enter the command only once after a connection loss and then not anymore?
Or every time the connection is lost.
- Posts: 38
- Joined: 18 Feb 2019, 04:13
Re: Reestablish network connection after the ETH cable replugged in
The command is only entered once, then the connection will always recover automatically after the cable is plugged out and in again.
Re: Reestablish network connection after the ETH cable replugged in
Is the command entered on the RevPi or on the laptop? So you need a HDMI and a USB Keyboard as you don't have SSH access to the RevPi.
Call ethtool if there is no more link and see if a physical link is displayed?
We have to reproduce the error so that we can understand what caused it.
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- ethtool1.jpg (59.12 KiB) Viewed 18822 times
- Posts: 38
- Joined: 18 Feb 2019, 04:13
Re: Reestablish network connection after the ETH cable replugged in
Sure the command is entered on RevPi!
After the error is reproduced, I call ethtool and the result is "Link deteted: yes", "Auto-negotiation: on".
Re: Reestablish network connection after the ETH cable replugged in
- Power cycle the RevPi
- start a Wireshark capture on your Laptop
- run the command on your RevPi "sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -C /tmp/capture.pcap"
- pull the Ehternet cable and plug it again after a few seconds
- ping the RevPi from your laptop - it should not be possible
- stop and save the Wireshark capture on the laptop
- cancel the tcpdump on the RevPi
- run the command on your RevPi "ethtool -S eth0" to give out the error couters and other statistics and make a screenshot.
Hopefully we'll see things clear then. Thank you for your work.
Re: Reestablish network connection after the ETH cable replugged in
- Posts: 38
- Joined: 18 Feb 2019, 04:13
Re: Reestablish network connection after the ETH cable replugged in
Sorry for my late reply! On some day of the second last week, the reestablish network connection problem didn't exist while I hadn't done anything to RevPi Core3. I want to simulate the error again for a long time, but not realized.
Maybe the issue can be closed. Thank you!