Counter input configuration

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Counter input configuration

Post by bftrock »


In the web page for the DI/DIO module, it says that the digital inputs can be configured for counter inputs. Typically, digital inputs count on the rising edge of a pulse. Does anybody know if these can be configured to count on the falling edge?

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Re: Counter input configuration

Post by volker »

Hi Brendan,
it looks like you have not detected our tutorials yet. The tutorials are the central documentation of how to use the devices. So please refer to ... o-modules/
in order to read about how to configure and set up a DI or DIO for using counters.
There is also more practical ("how to") stuff in the video tutorials: ... tutorials/
#14 is about how to use counters and encoders.
And to answer your question: yes you can configure the positive or negative slope to trigger the count.
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