I'm new to Revolution PI, I managed to get a connect4 with DIO module 28 inputs/outputs. I'm trying to control the 5 Status LEDs on the Revolution PI Connect4, there's maybe a problem in the library revpimodio2 especially device.py file, when I looked on configuration of the class and the class itself, there were function for every LEDs to set a value to it, or get its state, Except for x2in and x2out.
Also, for in creating the objects for the WD, x2in and x2out there also was a problem:
Code: Select all
# IO Objekte für WD und X2 in/out erzeugen
self.x2in = IOBase(
["core.x2in", 0, 1, self._slc_statusbyte.start, exp_x2in, None, "Connect_X2_IN", "6"],
self.x2out = IOBase(
["core.x2out", 0, 1, self._slc_led.start, exp_x2out, None, "Connect_X2_OUT", "6"],
I tried also to activate the 'wd' object by using this script from the forum RevPiModIO/RevPiModIO and that was the question in German "Watchdog bei einem Connect 4 mit RevPiModIO toggeln?" and Sven respond with that script :
Code: Select all
import revpimodio2
rpi = revpimodio2.RevPiModIO(autorefresh=True)
So, I tried to toggle the relay be typing this command directly to the terminal 'piTest -w 119.0.1' I got message Length must be one of 1|2|4. So, I type again 'piTest -w 119.1.1' and the relay is closed, and 'piTest -w 119.1.0' to open it again.
Also, I figured out that when you use the alternative '.core.A1 = revpimodio2.GREEN' that you proposed on the website 'https://revpimodio.org/en/doc2/core/#connect' the led actually goes red instead of green, and if you type '.core.A1 = revpimodio2.RED' you get green !!
So I hope I get a quick answer and explanation about these problems or maybe I am wrong about something and I don't see where