Modbus Master Timeout Issue

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Bhanu Kiran
Posts: 3
Joined: 30 Jul 2024, 14:14

Modbus Master Timeout Issue

Post by Bhanu Kiran »


I am experiencing an issue with my Modbus master setup, where it seems to be working but encounters a timeout. I've attached a screenshot for clarity. Additionally, I have included the configuration file below for reference:

I'm unsure what might be causing this timeout problem or how to resolve it. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help!

cat /var/www/revpi/pictory/projects/_config.rsc

# removed in and out
"GUID": "6327c725-e309-f66d-bc2b-a1ef6848ce08",
"id": "device_ModbusRTUMaster_20180122_1_1_001",
"type": "VIRTUAL",
"productType": "24580",
"position": "64",
"name": "ModbusRTU Master",
"bmk": "ModbusRTU Master",
"inpVariant": 0,
"outVariant": 0,
"comment": "ModbusRTU Master",
"offset": 11,
"mem": {
"0": [
"INFO: value modified to adapt base device type",
"1": [
"2": [
"3": [
"4": [
"extend": {
"deviceMisc": {
"tbl_A_rowcount": "1",
"ModbusMasterStatus_ModbusRTUMaster_20180122_1_1": "Modbus_Master_Status",
"MasterStatusReset_ModbusRTUMaster_20180122_1_1": "Master_Status_Reset"
"data": {
"ActionId_01_ModbusRTUMaster_20180122_1_1": "1",
"SlaveAddress_01_ModbusRTUMaster_20180122_1_1": "1",
"SlaveIP_01_ModbusRTUMaster_20180122_1_1": "",
"SlavePort_01_ModbusRTUMaster_20180122_1_1": "",
"FunctionCode_01_ModbusRTUMaster_20180122_1_1": "3",
"RegisterAddress_01_ModbusRTUMaster_20180122_1_1": "1",
"QuantityOfRegisters_01_ModbusRTUMaster_20180122_1_1": "2",
"ActionInterval_01_ModbusRTUMaster_20180122_1_1": "1000",
"DeviceValue_01_ModbusRTUMaster_20180122_1_1": "Input_Word_1",
"ModbusActionStatus_01_ModbusRTUMaster_20180122_1_1": "Modbus_Action_Status_1",
"ActionStatusReset_01_ModbusRTUMaster_20180122_1_1": "Action_Status_Reset_1"
Posts: 1
Joined: 09 Aug 2024, 11:17

Re: Modbus Master Timeout Issue

Post by holarlyflotilla »

To resolve the Modbus timeout issue:

1. Check Communication Settings: Ensure baud rate, parity, and stop bits match between master and slave.
2. Verify Connections: Check wiring and termination resistors.
3. Inspect Slave Device: Confirm the slave device is correctly addressed and powered.
4. Review Configuration File: Ensure all settings are correct.
5. Use Diagnostic Tools: Utilize Modbus analyzers to monitor communication.

Adjust timeout settings and ensure detailed logging for more insights.
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