Write outputs Modbus Master RTU

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Write outputs Modbus Master RTU

Post by zairalm »


I would like to say first of all, that I am a beginner in this topic, so it is probably easy to solve this problem, but I am not succeeding on my own.

I'm building a control system using some sensors and actuators combined with some of your modules: CORE Connect 4, AIO and DO.
I can read most of the sensors or actuators using this command in Python (and using the names assigned in PicTory):

rpi.io["LHEpump"].value [1]

To be able to do this I'm using this library and this initialization and also the cleanup line:

import revpimodio2

def main():

rpi=revpimodio2.RevPiModIO(autorefresh=True, monitoring=False, syncoutputs=True, debug=True, replace_io_file=None, shared_procimg=False)

output_1 = rpi.io["TWV_1"].value

# Print the values before changing
print(f"The value of input TWV_1 bc is: {output_1}")

# Change the value


output_2 = rpi.io["TWV_1"].value


# Print the new value
print(f"The value of output TWV_1 ac is: {output_2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

But it doesn't work if the variable is one of the RTU Master, in this case it allows me to store and print the value but not to write output.
I attach a picture of how they have been declared and the code that I'm trying to run and the output that I get.
The output variable change the value, but it doesn't take effect and when I read again, the value is the initial one.

The photos of the configuration and the rest will be in this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/umd8Zj3XXQ1sEfKE7

The code that doesn't work is this one:
import revpimodio2

def main():

# Initialize the RevPiModIO object

rpi = revpimodio2.RevPiModIO(








# Get the initial value of the input

input_value = rpi.io["min_SPEED_cond_HP_i"].value

output_value = rpi.io["min_SPEED_cond_HP_o"].value

print(f"The initial value of min_SPEED_cond_HP_i is: {input_value}")

print(f"The initial value of min_SPEED_cond_HP_o is: {output_value}")

# Set the value of the output register

rpi.io.min_SPEED_cond_HP_o.value = 7000

print(f"Set min_SPEED_cond_HP_o to: {7000}")

# Write the process image to ensure the new value is set


# Refresh the process image again to get the updated value


# Get the updated value of the input

updated_input_value = rpi.io["min_SPEED_cond_HP_i"].value

updated_output_value = rpi.io["min_SPEED_cond_HP_o"].value

# Clean up


print(f"The updated value of min_SPEED_cond_HP_i is: {updated_input_value}")

print(f"The updated value of min_SPEED_cond_HP_o is: {updated_output_value}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


And the output:

pi@RevPi114725:~/Documents $ /bin/python /home/pi/Documents/test_read_variable_modbus.py
The initial value of min_SPEED_cond_HP_i is: 8000
The initial value of min_SPEED_cond_HP_o is: 7000
Set min_SPEED_cond_HP_o to: 7000
The updated value of min_SPEED_cond_HP_i is: 8000
The updated value of min_SPEED_cond_HP_o is: 7000

Could someone help me to understand what is wrong?

Thank you very much in advance, I really appreciate the help.
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Re: Write outputs Modbus Master RTU

Post by dirk »

Hello, zairalm thank you very much for your detailed report and the details. Can you send me an SOS report?
https://kunbus-gmbh.atlassian.net/servi ... 2036400208
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