Machine monitoring with rev pi

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Machine monitoring with rev pi

Post by Ajinkya09 »

To monitoring a machine temperature, I want to connect k-type thermocouple with Rev - Pi.

My specific quires are follows.
1) can I directly connect sensor with python script or required codesys.
2) Are there any specific consideration when integrating the sensor data into a Node-RED dashboard.
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Re: Machine monitoring with rev pi

Post by dirk »

Hello Ajinkya09, that's an interesting question.
You can also work without CODESYS, namely via the data in the process image.

Take a look at the video tutorial to see how easy it is to read inputs or switch outputs using Python and the processor image

You can of course access the process image via the Node-RED Dashboard in the same way as on the command line.
Here is the documentation ... pplication
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Re: Machine monitoring with rev pi

Post by Ajinkya09 »

can I connect RTD Sensor to MIO OR DIO module or required AIO Module for develop a real time monitoring system.
if yes then how?

I don't have AIO module right now, so it's necessary to buy or work with MIO OR DIO module??

can I use K type thermocouple sensor use directly connect with DIO or MIO module?
coz, when I worked with k type thermocouple that time, I use MAX6675 module for covert signal. but this converter required 5V supply.
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Re: Machine monitoring with rev pi

Post by catracho »

I need your advise regarding a project to measure the temperature, humidity and air particles counting and send alarms to slack using the local network of the company, please share with me the model of the revolution pi I need and what options I can have with the sensors

Cheers from Honduras Central America
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Re: Machine monitoring with rev pi

Post by Tosden »

Ajinkya09 wrote: 11 Jan 2024, 11:06 To monitoring a machine temperature, I want to connect k-type thermocouple with Rev - Pi.

My specific quires are follows.
1) can I directly connect sensor with python script or required codesys.
2) Are there any specific consideration when integrating the sensor data into a Node-RED dashboard.
Um einen K-Typ-Thermoelement mit RevPi zur Temperaturüberwachung zu verbinden, kannst du den Sensor direkt über Python-Skripte ansteuern, ohne Codesys verwenden zu müssen. RevPi bietet Bibliotheken, die das Auslesen von Sensordaten in Python erleichtern.

Bei der Integration der Sensordaten in ein Node-RED-Dashboard ist es wichtig, sicherzustellen, dass das Datenformat mit den Eingabebedürfnissen von Node-RED kompatibel ist. Achte darauf, die Abtastraten zu verwalten, um das Dashboard nicht zu überlasten. Es empfiehlt sich, MQTT oder HTTP-Protokolle für eine reibungslose Datenübertragung zwischen RevPi und Node-RED zu verwenden. Darüber hinaus solltest du das Thermoelement kalibrieren, um genaue Temperaturmessungen zu gewährleisten.
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