I am using Revpi Compact.
I am trying to read RTD values with Python. It's not working..
It is read normally in Node-red and PLC Loader programs.
When I run it as python code, the values are displayed differently.
The code used is below
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I look forward to your help.
thank you.
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import datetime
import time
import revpimodio2
rpi = revpimodio2.RevPiModIO( autorefresh = True )
while True:
time_stamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
ai_value = rpi.io['RTD_Value_1'].value
ai_value2 = rpi.io['RTD_Value_2'].value
core_temp = rpi.io['Core_Temperature'].value
frequency = rpi.io['Core_Frequency'].value
print("Frequency: ", frequency)
print("CPU: ",core_temp)