
Topics about the Software of Revolution Pi
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Post by tomazbracic »


I would like to ask if RevPi has buildroot supported / based image somewhere?
Including all necessary packages and configurations to run embedded linux on RevPi.

Thanks for the feedback.

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Re: buildroot

Post by u.biakoup »

Hello tomazbracic,
Yes, of course. The RevolutionPi project is built on the idea of sharing and discussing knowledge across the community. You can create a custom Image and run it in your RevolutionPi.
In our GitHub repository, we have a Imagebakery, which is used to build custom image.
Also, take a look at this discussion in the forum that addresses your exact query.

Best Regards,

Ulrich Kouatang Biakoup | Technical Support
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Re: buildroot

Post by nicolaiB »

Hi Tomaz,

no, unfortunately we do not have buildroot. The buildroot stuff over at raspberry pi (see their GitHub) might be a good starting point. Depending on your use case this might be sufficient. If you want to use our IO modules in your buildroot project you need to add our kernel (patches + piControl module) and maybe some other tools.

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Re: buildroot

Post by tomazbracic »


thanks for the reply. Yes, I need buildroot, because this is the foundation for Nerves system. Is there any how-to/tutorial around IO modules that you mentioned? Our company is seriously thinking of adopting your HW for our new gateway which we would use on all our projects in the future. But we need to be able to run nerves (nerves-project (dot) org) on it. With them we get tooling we know and all sweet things like OTA, etc.

I am aware that I would need to build like a custom buildroot, but then I would like to know what else exactly is there we would need to pack into buildroot to have full support for all your modules.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by tomazbracic on 07 Apr 2023, 12:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: buildroot

Post by p.rosenberger »

Hi Tomaz,

as has been written before, we are currently not supporting any image builder besides our imagebakery (basically RasiOS/Debian packages). Thus we don't have any documentation on how to create a custom image with our packages and our imagebakery.

You can try to checkout the imagebakery and see what packages are installed. Most of our packages can be found in source on github. If you share your usecase in more detail, maybe we can narrow it a bit.

Best regards,
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