Search found 2016 matches

by dirk
22 Jul 2024, 08:09
Forum: Software
Topic: Fedora IoT on RevPi Connect 4
Replies: 1
Views: 492

Re: Fedora IoT on RevPi Connect 4

Hi Gillis, well, the Revolution Pi hardware differs from the Raspberry Pi. Thus, you may have to adapt it accordingly, as we do when we're producing our images. Take a look here for an introduction: You can find the c...
by dirk
16 Jul 2024, 12:55
Forum: Hardware
Topic: How to connect button to MIO module?
Replies: 4
Views: 1111

Re: How to connect button to MIO module?

Hi curious-eng, sorry I forgot to answer your question as I did not have a button around but a LED. So, to sum it up, you can connect a button by wiring it the way you did with digital input 1. Open PiCtory and configure the variable of the MIO module "IO_Mode_1" as digital input. Then sav...
by dirk
16 Jul 2024, 10:37
Forum: Hardware
Topic: MIO Module not working
Replies: 7
Views: 1085

Re: MIO Module not working

Hello cerberus78, check the mechanical connection of the PiBridge adapter on the MIO module. Then restart PiControl with piTest -x Does the PWR LED light up green afterward? If not, check whether a firmware update is possible:
by dirk
12 Jul 2024, 13:31
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Ethernet ports do not light up after router restart
Replies: 8
Views: 1583

Re: Ethernet ports do not light up after router restart

Hi in06khattab I am dismayed to hear this, can you send me an SOS report? Additionally, a Wireshark trace or a tcpdump of the appropriate interface would sure be helpful see here:
by dirk
11 Jul 2024, 11:13
Forum: Hardware
Topic: RevPiModIO cycleloop seems to skip cycles on a regular basis
Replies: 3
Views: 1141

Re: RevPiModIO cycleloop seems to skip cycles on a regular basis

Hello florian.schulte, okay, that article does not point it perfectly out. But the last sentence points to it - the cycle loops of the process image and the RevPiModIO program in user space don't run in sync. So back to that article, there is the PiBridge cycle that you can read out on your system. ...
by dirk
11 Jul 2024, 10:31
Topic: Verbindung RevPi und Codesys
Replies: 6
Views: 2334

Re: Verbindung RevPi und Codesys

Hallo Sophia, kannst du mir einen SOS-Report schicken?
by dirk
10 Jul 2024, 13:03
Forum: Software
Topic: KVT20 Temperaturfühler
Replies: 1
Views: 966

Re: KVT20 Temperaturfühler

Hallo fpfeifer, da kann ich dir nur sagen, dass wir dir hier momentan nichts anbieten können, um die Kompatibilität zu diesen Temperaturfühlern herzustellen. Ja, bitte verwende die bekannten unterstützten PT100 bzw. PT1000 Sensoren.
by dirk
10 Jul 2024, 08:51
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Schematic for RevPi MIO module?
Replies: 3
Views: 1043

Re: Schematic for RevPi MIO module?

Hello curious-eng, the schematics are now online here
by dirk
09 Jul 2024, 15:23
Forum: Hardware
Topic: How to connect button to MIO module?
Replies: 4
Views: 1111

Re: How to connect button to MIO module?

Hi take a look at this I hope it helps you May the source be with you :-D # toggle RevPi MIO digital output 1 import revpimodio2 import time rpi = revimodio2.RevPiModIO(autorefresh=True) OutputValue=True while True time.sleep(0.5)...
by dirk
09 Jul 2024, 11:17
Forum: Hardware
Topic: USB scanner stops working with DIO connected
Replies: 4
Views: 1043

Re: USB scanner stops working with DIO connected

Hello rbMado, thank you very much for your patience and the information you provided. I have analysed your SOS report with the SOS parser and was able to determine that your kernel (Linux version 6.1.46-rt13-v7l, February 2024) is upgradeable. Please update your system to kernel "6.1.46-rt13-v8...