Search found 1032 matches
- 20 Aug 2018, 13:38
- Forum: Software
- Topic: RevPi + Codesys = high performance PLC?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 14695
Re: RevPi + Codesys = high performance PLC?
Hier eine Vorgehensweise zur Priorisierung der Codesys-Projekte: Mit "ps aux |grep -i code" die beiden Codesysprojekt-pid suchen (z.B. 1463 und 1502) Mit "psr |grep code" die prozesse auf ihre priorität prüfen (in der Prio Spalte sollte erst mal nichts stehen) Mit "sudo chrt...
- 20 Aug 2018, 13:30
- Forum: Software
- Topic: Core 3 Diskspace
- Replies: 14
- Views: 37368
Re: Core 3 Diskspace
We're sorry but this is not a question of RevPi but these are the limits given by Raspberry CM3. There will be variants coming up with more eMMC but the foundation has not yet given any information about their time line.
- 19 Aug 2018, 17:48
- Forum: Hardware
- Topic: Why do DI/DO have 16 and not 28 I/O?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 12642
Re: Why do DI/DO have 16 and not 28 I/O?
If you are planning a mixed IO system with inputs and outputs then you should always use DIO modules because the cost per channel is less than with DI/DO combinations. But there are people out there, who only need inputs or who do need much more inputs than outputs. Those people can save over 20% (1...
- 17 Aug 2018, 14:41
- Forum: Software
- Topic: Straton-PLC for Raspberry PI
- Replies: 2
- Views: 10297
Re: Straton-PLC for Raspberry PI
Thanks for this information which is basically Raspberry Pi related. Revolution Pi uses a completely different IO access so I fear our users will have to reduce their ambitions to use Ethernet and USB connectivity only with this soft PLC (which is rarely useful in a control application). If you are ...
- 17 Aug 2018, 14:36
- Forum: Software
- Topic: Seriennummer etc. auslesen
- Replies: 11
- Views: 23374
Re: Seriennummer etc. auslesen
Wenn Du uns mal genauer sagst, was Du eigentlich vor hast, dann können wir besser weiterhelfen. Was genau vermutest Du denn hinter diesen "V1.2" Angaben und wofür brauchst Du sie? Es handelt sich hierbei zum Beispiel nicht um die aufgedruckte Versionsnummer der Hardware. Auf dem home-Verze...
- 16 Aug 2018, 13:05
- Forum: Hardware
- Topic: AIO - Sampling rate
- Replies: 6
- Views: 16012
Re: AIO - Sampling rate
Please read the technical data sheet: (can be found in our shop at the AIO product page). There you can read: Input conversion time (data rate in process image): 8…1000 ms (adjustable) Therefore your aimed sig...
- 16 Aug 2018, 12:45
- Forum: Software
- Topic: Core CPU Temperature Precision
- Replies: 1
- Views: 8192
Re: Core CPU Temperature Precision
Google "how to display Raspi CPU temperature" will show you dozens of websites explaining methods in all kind of applications. Basically the Broadcom SoC gives you a 1/10 °C precision. So if you need it more precise you could use the following system command: vcgencmd measure_temp We only ...
- 09 Aug 2018, 15:24
- Forum: Hardware
- Topic: Controlling the LED
- Replies: 9
- Views: 23577
Re: Controlling the LED
@lms: Think there is a misunderstanding: No ports, no direct addressing! On a RevPi System all IOs are operated by the kernel driver piControl, this includes the two bi-colour LEDs. You need to call this driver by opening it like a file and write to a certain offset your control byte which is settin...
- 09 Aug 2018, 00:19
- Forum: RevPiModIO
- Topic: Was RevPiModIO ist: Direktzugriff auf IOs mit Python!
- Replies: 8
- Views: 78598
Re: RevPiModIO - Python3 Direktzugriff auf IOs
Super Sven, dass Du so schnell bereits die Connect Features in die Bibliothek aufgenommen hast. Bitte lest aber auch mal hier: Bei der Verwendung des automatischen Resets vom watchdog ("triggern" tut man den WD nicht, das macht...
- 09 Aug 2018, 00:19
- Forum: Mein Projekt
- Topic: RevPiModIO - Python3 Direktzugriff auf IOs
- Replies: 41
- Views: 210743
Re: RevPiModIO - Python3 Direktzugriff auf IOs
Super Sven, dass Du so schnell bereits die Connect Features in die Bibliothek aufgenommen hast. Bitte lest aber auch mal hier: Bei der Verwendung des automatischen Resets vom watchdog ("triggern" tut man den WD nicht, das macht...