Search found 13 matches
- 17 Nov 2024, 11:15
- Forum: RevPiModIO
- Topic: How do I limit the size of diskspace for log files of RevPiModIO?
- Replies: 0
- Views: 6289
How do I limit the size of diskspace for log files of RevPiModIO?
Dear All! I am running into the issue of big Logfiles of RevPiModIO which fills up var/log/ on my RevPi. It looks like it had something to do with changing the logfile. End of last log: --2024-11-17 00:00:08-- Resolving (apis.smartenerg...
- 28 Aug 2024, 11:49
- Forum: RevPiModIO
- Topic: Watchdog bei einem Connect 4 mit RevPiModIO toggeln?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 7536
Re: Watchdog bei einem Connect 4 mit RevPiModIO toggeln?
Leider hat sich die KUNBUS bei dem RevPi Connect 4 dazu entschlossen den Watchdog NICHT mehr in das Prozessabbild zu integrieren. Damit sind alle Anwendungen, die Dieses benutzen (RevPiModIO, CODESYS, usw.) auch nicht mehr in der Lage den Watchdog zu bedienen. Danke für das Feedback Sven! das bedeu...
- 27 Aug 2024, 18:30
- Forum: RevPiModIO
- Topic: Watchdog bei einem Connect 4 mit RevPiModIO toggeln?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 7536
Watchdog bei einem Connect 4 mit RevPiModIO toggeln?
Hallo! Vielleicht kann mir jemand weiterhelfen. Ich möchte den Watchdog bei einem Connect 4 über das Phyton Programm mit RevPIModIO toggeln. Der Connect 4 sollte ab Version 2.6.0 unterstützt werden. Ich habe das aber leider mit den Objekten .device und .core nicht zum laufen gebracht. Ich scheitere ...
- 05 Aug 2024, 16:52
- Forum: Software
- Topic: nginx autostart after reboot
- Replies: 2
- Views: 6196
Re: nginx autostart after reboot
I solved it with a pyhton programm after boot using revpipyload. if os.path.exists('/var/log/nginx')== False: os.system('sudo mkdir /var/log/nginx') os.system('sudo touch /var/log/nginx/access.log') os.system('sudo touch /var/log/nginx/error.log') os.system('sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start') and it wor...
- 03 Aug 2024, 19:43
- Forum: Software
- Topic: How to automatically start Python script on Revolution Pi after reboot?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7292
Re: How to automatically start Python script on Revolution Pi after reboot?
I also use revpipyload and it works really fine. Do not forget to add it to the autostart with: sudo systemctl enable revpipyload This was not so clear for me in the documentation. If you use the commander there is an issue with the log files which does not hurt too much as you can still transfer th...
- 03 Aug 2024, 19:14
- Forum: Software
- Topic: nginx autostart after reboot
- Replies: 2
- Views: 6196
nginx autostart after reboot
Hi! I installed nginx on RevPi with: sudo apt install nginx I was able to start it after installation with sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start and it worked fine. After a reboot the nginx was not running any more. I thought it would be possible to enable autostart with sudo systemctl enable nginx but this ...
- 01 Aug 2024, 17:13
- Forum: Software
- Topic: single modbus read and write command
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5299
- 01 Aug 2024, 17:11
- Forum: RevPiModIO
- Topic: RevPi Python PLC Commander öffnet Logdateien nicht mehr oder stürzt ab
- Replies: 10
- Views: 19784
Re: RevPi Python PLC Commander öffnet Logdateien nicht mehr oder stürzt ab
Ich habe das Problem das die Logdateien nicht mehr geöffnet werden jetzt auch. Ich verwende Windows Version 0.11.0. Gibt es eine Lösung damit die Logdateien wieder funktionieren? Wie vorher empfohlen hilft pi@RevPi106990:/var/log $ sudo systemctl stop revpipyload [sudo] password for pi: pi@RevPi1069...
- 21 Feb 2024, 13:12
- Forum: Software
- Topic: single modbus read and write command
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5299
single modbus read and write command
Hi! I wonder how I could do a single write and read on holding registers. If I use PiCtory Modbus Master Setup and define a register the read is done all the time. Looks like it is done every second due to config in extended data setup. I have a device where I need to write flash values via modbus, ...
- 21 Feb 2024, 12:41
- Forum: Software
- Topic: piTest does not show modbus value
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2318
piTest does not show modbus value
Hi, I configured a small modbus test reading a holding register called Geraeteklasse with a modbus master. It looks like the read is done correctly on modbus level but piTest shows the wrong value. Setup: config.jpg Extended Config looks like: extended.jpg Modbus log on the slave side: >12:23:29: RX...