Search found 201 matches

by u.biakoup
30 Aug 2024, 11:16
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Digitaler Eingang - welcher GPIO Pin?
Replies: 3
Views: 3187

Re: Digitaler Eingang - welcher GPIO Pin?

Hallo Rumpelstilzchen,

Es freut mich dass es funktioniert hat.

Viele Grüße.
by u.biakoup
29 Aug 2024, 22:40
Topic: CODESYS Updates
Replies: 3
Views: 6603

Re: CODESYS Updates

Hallo Bastelente , freut mich, dass Du schon so weit gekommen bist und CODESYS auf dem RevPi zum Laufen gebracht hast – das ist manchmal wirklich zum Haare raufen! Zu Deinen Fragen bezüglich der Updates: Grundsätzlich stimme ich Dir zu, dass man ein funktionierendes System ungern anfasst, vor allem,...
by u.biakoup
29 Aug 2024, 22:06
Forum: Software
Topic: Remote Access and Program Editing for Revolution Pi Connect
Replies: 1
Views: 1657

Re: Remote Access and Program Editing for Revolution Pi Connect

Hello Joe W., Thank you for your detailed question. Given your situation with network restrictions, using a dedicated device like the Teltonika RUT-955 is a solid option. This industrial LTE router allows you to set up a separate subnetwork specifically for your Revolution Pi, providing secure remot...
by u.biakoup
29 Aug 2024, 15:44
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Digitaler Eingang - welcher GPIO Pin?
Replies: 3
Views: 3187

Re: Digitaler Eingang - welcher GPIO Pin?

Hallo, Die digitalen Eingänge deines RevPi Compact sind über den MAX31913 GPIO-Chip angesprochen. Der Chip beginnt bei GPIO 488, und die folgenden Eingänge werden in aufeinanderfolgenden GPIO-Pins fortgesetzt: Digital Input 0: GPIO 488 Digital Input 1: GPIO 489 Digital Input 2: GPIO 490 Digital Inpu...
by u.biakoup
29 Aug 2024, 14:39
Forum: Software
Topic: Modbus TCP Slave
Replies: 1
Views: 1214

Re: Modbus TCP Slave

Hello asherjackson , The RevolutionPi does come with the ability to act as a Modbus TCP slave, but it doesn't automatically start a Modbus TCP server on port 502 just by enabling the "Modbus Slave" option in the web interface. Verify that the port 502 is open and not blocked by any firewal...
by u.biakoup
26 Aug 2024, 16:34
Forum: Software
Topic: Revolution pi Display is not working
Replies: 1
Views: 1383

Re: Revolution pi Display is not working

Bhanu Kiran; what kind of revolution Pi are you using (connect 4, Connect S, core, etc)? Here are some steps you can try to resolve the problem: 1. Reinstall LightDM and AccountsService Sometimes, reinstalling these packages can resolve configuration issues or missing dependencies. sudo apt-get purg...
by u.biakoup
26 Aug 2024, 14:00
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Einsatz von Remote IO
Replies: 2
Views: 1239

Re: Einsatz von Remote IO

Guten Tag Herr Fritz, vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Sie können den Remote I/O-Baustein mit MQTT-Schnittstelle tatsächlich in Ihr bestehendes System integrieren, ohne sich mit Modbus auseinandersetzen zu müssen, sofern Sie nur MQTT verwenden möchten. Die Modbus-Funktionalität ist eine zusätzliche Opt...
by u.biakoup
19 Aug 2024, 19:59
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Converting CAN-Bus Signal of NOx-Sensor
Replies: 2
Views: 1985

Re: Converting CAN-Bus Signal of NOx-Sensor

Hello, It's great that you're getting started with the RevPi Connect4! One of the most straightforward solutions is to use a USB-to-CAN adapter. The RevPi Connect4 supports USB devices, and with the right drivers, you can easily interface with CAN-Bus via a USB port. Here are some points to consider...
by u.biakoup
19 Aug 2024, 19:47
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Nach Upgrade auf RevPi Bullseye AIO 0-24mA nur noch 8 Bit
Replies: 4
Views: 2520

Re: Nach Upgrade auf RevPi Bullseye AIO 0-24mA nur noch 8 Bit

Moin kdu,

wie hast du das Update gemacht?

Best Regards

Ulrich Kouatang Biakoup | field application engineer
by u.biakoup
19 Aug 2024, 15:38
Forum: Hardware
Topic: DMX gateway red power LED
Replies: 1
Views: 1011

Re: DMX gateway red power LED

Hello Maurice, I wanted to inform you that the RevPi DMX has been discontinued and is no longer supported. Unfortunately, this means we won't be able to provide further support or updates for this product. However, you might consider checking the following to address the issues you're experiencing: ...