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CodeSYS Input

Posted: 13 May 2024, 18:27
by Renom
Hello everybody,

I am experiencing a strange issue.

I was able to import both our RevPi Connect 4 and our DI Module into CODESYS

I have tried to use these modules without any configuration in Pictory but it did not work as planned.

I tried it with the 64bit and the 32bit version of Bullseye, 64bit version didnt quite work as it wasnt able to convert from 'LWORD' to 'DWORD', yes i tried the new library, but since the new version isnt supported by the support it was just one of the tries i hoped would work.

the Connect 4 is flashing his lights, as it should be, the 32bit bullseye image did, what it was supposed to.

Everything works fine until it gets to the point where i have to configurate the Out- and Inputs because, there, it doesnt let me do that.

i gave power to IN_CH2 and the IN_CH13 went to true.
every input that had variables configurated went to >bad<

now im stuck with no idea left.

Every idea would be great appreciated.
please let me know if you need any Data to understand the matter.
Thanks in Advance!!

Re: CodeSYS Input

Posted: 14 May 2024, 13:50
by dirk
Hello Renom,
perhaps you are using a library version which does not yet support the RevPi Connect 4 since you are converting from 'LWORD' to 'DWORD'.

For RevPi Connect 4 you should give the development revolutionpibridge-V1.4.1.99 beta a try.
The support will be for the release version, but you are free to post any observed issues.

Further tips:
  • What does the output of "piTest -d" show? Is the RevPi DI module listed?
  • Follow the steps from the CODESYS Checklist which is the easiest way to put CODESYS on the RevPi to work.
  • Did you configure PlaceholderFilePath in:

    Code: Select all

  • Check out codesyscontrol.log entries from

    Code: Select all


Re: CodeSYS Input

Posted: 15 May 2024, 11:44
by Renom
In the attached screenshot you can see that the module is not present nor that the data is available.
I went throught the checklist and followed every step, the bridge is recognized but unfortunately the connector is not.

Re: CodeSYS Input

Posted: 27 May 2024, 14:53
by dirk
Hi vittoriom94, somtimes the problem relates to the fact, that you have connected the DI on one side of the RevPi Connect 4 but configured it on the other side?