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The errors of Modbus RTU Master is not cleared after writing '1' to the Master_Status_Reset register

Posted: 14 Jun 2022, 06:09
by Dinh Le
I tried to clear the error state of the Modbus RTU master follow the ... verwenden/ but it did not work:
1. When a communication error occurs:
- Master_Status_Reset = 17(0x11)
- Modbus_Action_Status = 0(0x00)[/list]
2. Write '1' to the Master_Status_Reset register by issuing the command piTest -w Master_Status_Reset,1 => The error is not clear

The error is only cleared when I reset the piControl process: piTest -x

Re: The errors of Modbus RTU Master is not cleared after writing '1' to the Master_Status_Reset register

Posted: 15 Jun 2022, 13:28
by RamiGspo
Hello Dinh Le,

We are currently working on this issue, but could you please tell me what's your Pictory Version?
We'll let you know as soon as we know more about it.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen | Best regards | Muchas gracias
Ramiro Gsponer.